Set Up Emergency Fund
Saving smarter
Don't let life's twists set you off-course. Set up an emergency fund for the unexpected.
Overdraft Protection
Sometimes the unexpected happens, and you might not have enough money in your account to cover your bills and other expenses. Overdraft Protection can temporarily cover these transactions up to a pre-approved limit, as a short-term safeguard from declined payments, a negative account balance and incurring fees for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF).
How to open a High-Interest Savings Account
Your savings don't need to be locked away. Get a great rate and easy access to your money.
Sign in to Coast Online® or Coast Mobile® Banking.
Select Products & Services, then Open an Account.
Select Save with Flexibility to open your High-Interest Savings Account (HISA).
Prefer to do it in-branch? Book an appointment.