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Sustainable Funds


An opportunity to build your wealth while contributing towards a more sustainable world.
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A better future. For everyone

At Coast Capital, we believe that creating a better life for yourself and your loved ones shouldn’t be a dream. It’s why we’re a Certified B Corp and reinvest 10% of our budgeted bottom line into unlocking financial opportunities for our communities to build better futures. And now we’re giving our members the opportunity to build and preserve wealth while contributing towards a socially responsible world with Sustainable Funds, managed and offered by Guardian Capital LP.1

Choose the right fund for you.

Explore the six Sustainable Fund options below and connect with an advisor when you're ready to build an investment plan based on your values. 

Or call 1.888.517.7000.

What you get with Sustainable Funds

Responsible Investing Responsible Investing
Each Sustainable Fund has a critical focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, which we're able to offer to help mitigate the impact of ESG risks on your financial well-being.
 ESG Oversight ESG Oversight
To deliver high ESG standards, each underlying fund is screened to ensure it continuously meets established sustainability thresholds, as measured by Morningstar® Sustainability Ratings™.2
Institutional-Quality Management Institutional-Quality Management
Built and actively managed by Guardian Capital LP, the Sustainable Funds use sophisticated investment tools and techniques seeking to deliver optimal investment outcomes.

Choose the Sustainable Fund that’s right for you

Our advisors are here to support and guide you in finding the right Sustainable Fund, based on your life stage and goals.

Strategic Asset Allocation Outline*. The manager aims to invest in underlying funds that focus on these asset groups. *For illustrative purpose only. Figures represent strategic targets only and may be subject to change over time.
  Equities   Income   Thematic ESG Assets   Real Assets   Liquid Alternatives

Sustainable Income 100 Fund

Income 100 fund
84% - Income
8% -
Thematic ESG Assets
8% -
Liquid Alternatives

This fund holds 100% income producing securities to emphasize income generation and help preserve capital.

Best for you if:

  • You are seeking investment income and capital preservation
  • You are comfortable with low investment risk

 See the details on the Sustainable Income 100 Fund (PDF)

Sustainable Income 20/80 Fund

Income 20/80 Fund
17% - Equities
64% - Income
8% -
Thematic ESG Assets
3% -
Real Assets
8% -
Liquid Alternatives

This fund targets holding 20% equities and 80% fixed income to emphasize income generation potential.

Best for you if:

  • You are primarily seeking investment income with some capital preservation
  • You are comfortable with low investment risk

See the details on the Sustainable Income 20/80 Fund (PDF)

Sustainable Balanced 40/60 Fund

Income 40/60 Fund
29% - Equities
44% - Income
13% -
Thematic ESG Assets
6% -
Real Assets
8% -
Liquid Alternatives

This fund aims to balance income generation with capital growth by targeting a mix of 40% equities and 60% fixed income.

Best for you if:

  • You are seeking a mix of investment income and capital growth
  • You are comfortable with medium-low investment risk

See the details on the Sustainable Balanced 40/60 Fund (PDF)

Sustainable Balanced 60/40 Fund

46% - Equities
30% - Income
11% -
Thematic ESG Assets
8% -
Real Assets
5% -
Liquid Alternatives

This fund aims to balance capital growth with income generation by targeting a mix of 60% equities and 40% fixed income.

Best for you if:

  • You are seeking a mix of capital growth and investment income
  • You are comfortable with low to medium investment risk

See the details on the Sustainable Balanced 60/40 Fund (PDF)

Sustainable Growth 80/20 Fund

Growth 80/20 Fund
62% - Equities
12% - Income
11% -
Thematic ESG Assets
10% -
Real Assets
5% -
Liquid Alternatives

This fund targets holding 80% equities and 20% fixed income to emphasize capital growth potential.

Best for you if:

  • You are primarily seeking capital growth with some income generation
  • You are comfortable with low to medium investment risk

See the details on the Sustainable Growth 80/20 Fund (PDF)

Sustainable Growth 100 Fund

Growth 100 Fund
75% - Equities
10% -
Thematic ESG Assets
15% -
Real Assets

This fund features 100% equities for long-term capital growth potential.

Best for you if:

  • You are seeking capital growth
  • You are comfortable with medium investment risk

See the details on the Sustainable Growth 100 Fund (PDF)

Guardian Capital LP - Putting 60 years of experience in your portfolio3

The Sustainable Funds are managed and offered by Guardian Capital LP (Guardian Capital). Guardian Capital, as the successor to Guardian Capital Group Limited’s original investment management business, has been managing institutional client assets since 1962. Their core values of stability, trustworthiness and integrity have led to institutional clients that have been with them for decades. They have a reputation for putting clients and partners first and delivering results.

Guardian Capital’s dedicated approach to responsible investing and to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors throughout all of their investment teams and processes, is led by their Responsible Investing team, whose leadership boasts decades of experience in portfolio management. This unique approach was chosen to ensure that their commitment to doing what’s right melds with their aim to maximize investing success. As a global citizen, Guardian Capital has taken responsible investing very seriously for many years, well before ESG became an industry buzzword.

GUardian Capital Logo
Let’s create a better future

Connect with our advisors to choose the right Sustainable Fund for you and build an investment plan that aligns with your values.

1. Guardian Capital LP is the Manager and Portfolio Manager of the Sustainable Funds.

2. The Morningstar® Sustainability Rating™ is intended to measure how well the issuing companies of the securities within a fund’s portfolio are managing their environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) risks and opportunities relative to the fund’s Morningstar category peers, and is updated monthly. The Morningstar Sustainability Rating is depicted by globe icons where 5 globes equals High ranking (lowest ESG Risk) and 1 globe equals Low ranking (highest ESG Risk) compared to category peers, based off each fund’s Morningstar® Portfolio Sustainability Score™. A Sustainability Rating is assigned to any fund that has more than half of its underlying assets receiving an ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics, and is within a Morningstar Category with at least 10 scored funds; therefore, the rating it is not limited to funds with explicit sustainable or responsible investment mandates. Please refer to for more detailed information about the Morningstar Sustainability Rating and its calculation. Sustainalytics is an ESG and corporate governance research, ratings, and analysis company affiliated with Morningstar, Inc. © 2021 Morningstar®. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Morningstar is an independent organization that groups investment funds with generally similar investment objectives for comparison purposes and ranks them on a historical basis. Ratings and/or ranking information is portfolio-based, not performance-based and is subject to change monthly. They do not reflect a fund’s performance on either an absolute or risk-adjusted basis, nor are they a qualitative Morningstar evaluation of a fund’s merits. They should not be the sole basis for an investment decision.

3. Guardian Capital LP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian Capital Group Limited and the successor to its original investment management business, which was founded in 1962.

Please read the prospectus before investing. Important information about the Sustainable Funds is contained in its prospectus. Contact your Coast Capital advisor or visit the Sustainable Funds’ website at: or to obtain a copy of the Fund's prospectus and Fund Facts. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in mutual funds. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Mutual funds are not guaranteed or insured by any financial institution, government or other deposit insurer. The Sustainable Funds described on this webpage are sponsored by Guardian Capital LP and are only qualified for sale in Canada.  This communication is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment or financial advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security, and shall under no circumstances be considered an offer or solicitation to deal in any product or service mentioned herein.

Guardian Capital LP is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles of Responsible Investment (UN PRI). The UN PRI does not prescribe the exclusion of any particular type of company or industry; rather it requires that, as the Manager, we are informed on the ESG issues, and that we are comfortable with the activities and practices of the companies that we invest in. Guardian Capital LP’s Responsible Investing policies are publicly available on their website at:

Responsible investing is an approach to investing that incorporates ESG considerations into investment decisions. This approach may incorporate considerations beyond traditional financial information into the investment selection process, which could result in investment performance deviating from other products with comparable objectives or from broad market benchmarks.

Guardian’s Sustainable Funds and GEM Pools have ESG-related investment objectives, while other Guardian Mutual Funds and ETFs do not have ESG-related investment objectives. All Guardian Funds integrate ESG considerations into the investment analysis of all holdings within their respective portfolio. A Fund’s ESG characteristics and performance may change from time to time. Please review the Fund’s prospectus for details on how the Fund’s investment strategy incorporates responsible investing considerations and the associated risks, and consult your financial professional prior to investing.

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union provides advice and service related to deposit, loan and mortgage products, and its affiliate, Coast Capital Wealth Management Ltd., provides investment and financial planning services (collectively “Coast Capital”). Worldsource Financial Management Inc. (“Worldsource”) provides advice and service relating to the Sustainable Funds and is a Principal Distributor of the funds. Certain advisors employed by Coast Capital are also registered as dealing representatives of Worldsource and act as agent in the distribution of mutual funds securities. Worldsource pays commissions generated from the sale of the Sustainable Funds to Coast Capital, which in turn pays compensation to the applicable advisor. Guardian Capital LP (“GCLP”) is the Manager and Portfolio Manager of the Sustainable Funds, and has entered into a corporate strategic alliance agreement with Coast Capital, pursuant to which Coast Capital may receive payments directly from GCLP. GCLP is a subsidiary of Guardian Capital Group Limited (“GCGL”), a publicly traded firm, the shares of which are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. For further information on GCGL and its subsidiaries and affiliates, please visit This material is sponsored in part by Guardian Capital LP.

This material is sponsored in part by Guardian Capital LP. Date Published: March 23, 2023

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