The SEI Philosophy
SEI believes that the best way to help investors meet their long- and short-term financial goals is through active management.
These principles are designed to work together to maximize returns, limit volatility and manage investment risk to help you achieve your investment goals across all market conditions.
Asset Allocation
Asset allocation is the precise division of a portfolio between asset classes, such as equities, bonds and cash. SEI’s process is designed to build well-diversified portfolios that are aligned with a range of investor goals and attitudes to risk.
Portfolio Design
To maximize return potential and to minimize risk, SEI takes a multi-dimensional approach to portfolio construction, combining different asset classes, geographic regions and investment styles to create portfolios that can deliver consistent long-term results in line with investor goals.
Investment Manager Selection
SEI looks for investment managers who can deliver consistent results in their respective areas of expertise. The entire universe of investment managers is filtered down to a handful of managers that meet all of our demanding criteria. They aim to have only the best managers in the portfolios at all times.
Portfolio Construction and Management
SEI is one of the world’s largest manager-of-managers with a team of approximately 100 investment professionals that continuously monitor each manager’s philosophy, process, people and performance. This helps to ensure that their investment styles remain consistent with their assigned objectives.
Risk Management
SEI’s Risk Management Group actively monitors portfolios to ensure the risk objectives are being met. The group operates separately from the Fund portfolio managers, which helps to provide the right checks and balances to our investment process.
Let’s build the right plan, together.
Our experienced Investment Team can help with an investment plan that's right for you. Call us at 1.888.517.7000 Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm; Sun, 9am-5:30pm.