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Start, switch or advance your career with Coursera.

Coursera is a global platform for online learning and career development, giving you access to courses and professional certificates from world-class universities and companies that could help you advance your career and potentially get paid more.

11,000+ courses and programs1

Access a wide variety of courses, guided projects, professional certificates and designations in areas like business, technology, data science, and health.

World-class schools and companies

Learn from top universities like Yale and Princeton and earn professional certifications from companies like Google, IBM, and Meta.

Proven career

77% of global learners2 on Coursera report career benefits, from getting a new job and increasing their pay, to gaining skills and improving their performance at work.

Free access with Elevate Chequing

Coast Capital members get one free license to access Coursera (retail value $538/year) when they open the Elevate Chequing Account. Learn more

Why learn on Coursera.

Coursera partners with more than 325 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide.

We’re supporting people across Canada with more accessible education and training.

Coursera's extensive online learning platform features flexible, job-relevant courses developed in partnership with over 275 leading universities and companies worldwide.

Featuring 11,000+ job-relevant courses, our partnership is part of our promise to help more businesses and people in Canada future proof their professional skills and increase their earning potential.

Open the Elevate Chequing Account today and get free access to Coursera.1

or book an appointment.

  1. Coursera is an online learning platform offering multiple continuing education opportunities from leading universities and institutions. The products offered by Coursera can, but do not guarantee to, help users advance, relaunch, or improve their earning potential in their careers. As a bonus on their Coast Capital Elevate Chequing Account, a primary account holder will receive one (1) free Coursera for Business license for the account holder’s personal use. This license will be associated with the primary account holder’s email address on Coast Capital’s records. The license can only be used with the associated email address to open a Coursera account. The license will be valid for the period the primary account holder maintains a Coast Capital Elevate Chequing Account in good standing. The license has a monetary value of $538 CAD per year or monthly monetary value of $79 CAD as of January 1, 2024. Limit of one (1) license per primary account holder. No substitutions will be allowed. Coast Capital may allow, at its sole discretion, transfers of the license to another individual as decided by the primary account holder. The license may be subject to content, course, and program exclusions or limitations at the sole discretion of Coursera. The use of the license will be exclusively subject to Coursera’s terms, conditions, and policies. Details regarding Coursera’s products, terms, conditions, and policies can be found at
  2. Results in the 2023 Coursera Learner Outcomes Report are based on a web survey conducted from January 25–March 1, 2023, with a sample of 55,648 respondents who completed a course, Professional Certificate, Specialization, University/MasterTrack Certificate, or degree program on Coursera between June 1, 2021, and September 30, 2022. Learners surveyed may have paid an additional fee to obtain courses through Coursera that are not included with the free Coursera license in the Coast Capital Elevate Chequing Account. The Coursera Learner Outcomes Survey was conducted in English only. The sample size enabled Coursera to obtain results with a 95% confidence level when measured against the industry-standard range of error, with the exception of University/MasterTrack Certificates and degree learners, whose results are only reported out as part of the full learner sample. Learner-Outcomes-Report-2023.pdf (