Supplier Code of Conduct
Coast Capital’s Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the principles and expectations as to how organizations, including their representatives and employees, and subcontractors (together “Suppliers”), who supply goods and services to Coast Capital, its subsidiaries or affiliates (“Coast Capital”), are to conduct business with and deal with Coast Capital.
The code is principles-based and sets out our expectations of suppliers to ensure their behaviors align with Coast Capital standards in the following key areas:
- Business Integrity and Ethics
- Responsible Business Practices
- Responsible Treatment of Individuals
- Social Purpose Alignment
Coast Capital’s social purpose is to “Build Better Futures Together” with a vision to unlock financial opportunities that positively impact people and communities, which includes eliminating social harms, scaling social benefits, and growing for good. Suppliers are expected to strive for alignment with Coast Capital Social Purpose focus.
We demand that all Suppliers comply with this Code and operate in accordance with principles that align to ours, and in a manner which is consistent with prudent business practices. To ensure adherence to the code, we will monitor compliance, which may require suppliers to periodically confirm in writing that they meet the expectations of the code.
Coast Capital regularly reviews the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date.
If you:
- Require more clarification or have additional questions about this process, please contact our Strategic Supplier Sourcing Team.
- Have reason to believe that the spirit or principles of this Code are not being respected by a Coast Capital Supplier, report this to Coast Capital Third Party Risk.