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Business members get control of their investments

Looking to make business investments? Our Investment Team will take the time to understand your situation and use the right range of tools and personalized investment solutions to help you meet your goals. Because your business is our business.

Our Investment Team can also help with:

  • Tax Planning
  • Investment Planning
  • Group Benefits
  • Retirement planning
Financial planner Financial planner

Meet Ben Behseta, CFP

He's just one of our Certified Financial Planners® available to help you reach your financial goals. Our Financial Planners can develop financial solutions to help ensure you save for the future while living well today, whether you're planning your retirement, your child's education, or looking for ways to protect your family or business from the unexpected.

Our Investment Team is here to help:

  • Investment Team available at our Contact Centre, Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm
  • Financial Planners available at all our branch locations

Meet Ben Behseta, CFP

He's just one of our Certified Financial Planners® available to help you reach your financial goals. Our Financial Planners can develop financial solutions to help ensure you save for the future while living well today, whether you're planning your retirement, your child's education, or looking for ways to protect your family or business from the unexpected.

Our Investment Team is here to help:

  • Investment Team available at our Contact Centre, Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm
  • Financial Planners available at all our branch locations
1 Year Non-Redeemable GIC
Get one of our best GIC rates with a short-term commitment.

  • Have the interest paid out annually, monthly or enjoy compound interest
  • Only need $500 to get started
  • Available as Non-registered accounts
  • View our current GIC rates
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

† Rate subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. Interest rates are calculated per annum, accrued daily, and paid at maturity.

16 Month Flex GIC
Flexibility with a great return.
1 - 8 Months
9 - 16 Months

  • Redeemable with interest after 30 days
  • Enjoy a guaranteed return where the longer you stay, the more it pays
  • Only need $500 to get started
Call us at 1.888.517.7000 today.
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

† The effective simple interest rate if held to maturity is 3.10% when averaging 0.85% for the first 8 months and 5.35% for the second 8 months of the term. Offers subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. Interest rates are calculated per annum and accrued daily. Minimum investment of $500 ($250 for junior accounts). Choose interest to be paid every 8 months (compounding) or every 8 months (non-compounding). Partial or full redemptions allowed, subject to the minimum redemption amount of $500 ($250 for junior accounts) while maintaining minimum investment amount of $500 ($250 for junior accounts). No interest is payable if redeemed before 30 days. Rate holds are not eligible for the promotional offers.

18 Month Non-Redeemable GIC
You'll get a great rate no matter how much money you have to invest.
3.00% %

  • Only need $500 to get started
  • Non-redeemable prior to maturity
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

* Rate is subject to change without notice at any time. Interest rate is calculated per annum, accrued daily, and paid at maturity. Learn more about how our interest rates are calculated on our deposit and GIC accounts. Other product specific conditions will apply.

1 Year Better Than Cash® GIC
A redeemable GIC that pays like a locked-in investment.

  • Redeemable after 6 months without penalty on interest payable.
  • Available as Non-registered accounts
  • Check out our Help and Support Page for more information
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

† Offers subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. Interest rates are calculated per annum and accrued daily. Minimum investment of $500. Eligible for non-registered, TFSA, RRSP and RRIF. Interest paid at maturity. No interest will be paid if you redeem this GIC within the first 6 months. Minimum redemption amount of $500 while maintaining the minimum investment amount. Rate holds are not eligible for the promotional offers.

1 Year Redeemable GIC
The 1-Year Redeemable term deposit/GIC is our most flexible term deposit.
2.50 % 1-year term

  • Redeemable with full accrued interest any time after 30 days
  • Only need $500 to get started
  • Available as Non-registered accounts
† Read terms and conditions.


  1. Offer subject to change without notice at any time. Interest rates are guaranteed and are calculated on a per annum basis. Minimum investment of $500; eligible for non-registered, TFSA, RRSP, RRIF, and RESP contributions.

Rising Rate GIC
Benefit from compound interest and the choice to redeem your money on each anniversary without penalty.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3

  • Only $500 to get started
  • Choice of earning compound or annual interest
  • Available as Non-registered accounts
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

Offers subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. Interest rates are calculated per annum and accrued daily. Minimum investment of $500. Eligible for non-registered, TFSA, RRSP and RRIF. Choose interest to be paid annually (compounding) or annually (non-compounding). Partial or full redemptions allowed on the annual anniversary date of the GIC. Minimum redemption amount of $500 while maintaining the minimum investment amount. Redemption outside the designated anniversary date is strictly prohibited. Rate holds are not eligible for the promotional offers.

Market-Linked GIC
Tap into the stock market with this GIC where the return is based on the performance of an underlying market index.†

  • Potential to earn higher returns linked to stock market performance​
  • Principal investment protected​
  • Interest is compounded annually and paid at maturity​
  • Only $500 to get started​
  • No commissions or management fees​
  • Available as Non-registered accounts
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

† The variable return can only be known at maturity. These investments cannot be transferred or redeemed and will not pay any interest or principal before maturity. Product specific terms and conditions apply.


Additional services available with any business account

Deposit at thousands of ATMs

Canadian coin, cash, and cheques are instantly credited to your account 24/7 at any of our branches. Envelope deposits can be made at any ATM on THE EXCHANGE® Network.

Business Overdraft Protection

Cover off your businesses' chequing account between deposits with overdraft protection. You'll only get charged interest if you use it.

Coast Online® Banking for Small Business

Pay bills, make transfers or check and manage accounts anytime, anywhere. You can view both personal and business accounts in the same log in and more helpful features. 

Pay Business Taxes

With this convenient and cost-effective cash management online service, you can automatically deliver or receive payments to and from accounts held at other financial institutions.

Deposit On-the-go

Use your Coast Mobile® App to make deposits by simply snapping a photo of a cheque.

INTERAC® e-Transfer

Send or receive money to and from other financial institutions within Canada. All you need to send money is the recipient's mobile phone number or email address.

Like what you see? Here's more

A brief guide to business expense management
Balancing the books and building savings is essential for a strong business. Here's how to approach managing small business expenses most efficiently.
6 ways to improve cash flow.
Here are six proactive approaches to take to help improve your cash flow to make sure that your business can come out of the COVID crises in good shape.
Coast Capital® Small Business Suites

All of your business banking needs together in one suite of products.

Want some help?

Our accredited Investment Team can help you figure out the best financial plan for your goals.

Call us at 1.888.517.7000 Mon-Fri, 8am-5:30pm

CDIC Deposit ProtectionCDIC Deposit Protection

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). More CDIC information

Only deposits payable in Canada are eligible to be insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act.

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union provides advice and service related to deposit, loan and mortgage products. Coast Capital Wealth Management Ltd. provides investment and financial planning services. Coast Capital Financial Management Ltd. provides advice and service related to segregated funds, annuities and life insurance products. Worldsource Financial Management Inc. provides advice and service relating to mutual funds. Mutual fund values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be related with mutual fund investments. Important information about mutual funds is contained in the relevant fund facts and simplified prospectus. Please read the fund facts carefully before investing.

1. Offer subject to change without notice at any time. Interest rates are guaranteed and are calculated on a per annum basis. Minimum investment of $500.

2. The variable return can only be known at maturity. These investments cannot be transferred or redeemed and will not pay any interest or principal before maturity. Product specific terms and conditions apply.