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Business members get the savings options

For no monthly fee you get great rates and easy access to your money. Our business savings accounts offer unlimited deposits and the freedom to withdraw funds at any time, all while your money earns daily interest. Plus our savings accounts include free access to Coast Online® Banking for Small Business.

Savings accounts are best if:

  • You want to make short-term or temporary savings
  • You want to access your savings any time
High-Interest Business Savings Account
Your money doesn't have to be locked away to make a return. Deposit or withdraw funds at anytime, while your money earns daily interest.

Earn a tiered rate up to 3.05%


$0 to $24,999.99


$25,000 to $99,999.99


$100,000 to $499,999.99


$500,000 to $999,999.99


$1,000,000 to $4,999,999.99


  • No monthly fee and no minimum balance required
  • 2 free transactions per monthand unlimited deposits
† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

† Interest rate is subject to change without notice. Interest is calculated per annum and paid monthly, at this rate, on the portion of the closing daily balance within the tier.

‡ Transactions include Coast Capital Savings ® and THE EXCHANGE® Network ATM withdrawals, Interac Direct Payment, pre-authorized payments, online, mobile, telephone banking and in-branch bill payments, in-branch and self-serve transfers between Coast Capital Savings accounts, and in-branch withdrawals. $5 for additional transactions.

◊ Deposits include in-branch deposits, preauthorized credits, Coast Capital Savings® business depository ATM deposits, regular ATM deposits and electronic deposits.

Check out our service fees and see our Business Banking Guide for more information

Coast Business Savings®
The daily savings account with unlimited deposits1.

† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

1. Deposits include in-branch deposits, pre-authorized credits, Coast Capital Savings® business depository ATM deposits, regular ATM deposits and electronic deposits.

2. Transactions include, Coast Capital Savings® and THE EXCHANGE® Network ATM withdrawals, Interac Direct Payment, pre-authorized payments, online, mobile, telephone banking and in-branch bill payments, in-branch transfers between Coast Capital Savings accounts, and in-branch withdrawals. Non-EXCHANGE® ATM fee: $2.50 each; additional fees may be charged by third parties as part of the transaction amount. International ATM Fee: $5.00 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. International POS fee for Coast Business Savings: $2.15 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. International POS fee for High-interest Business Savings Account: $5.00 each plus 2% administration fee on transaction amount. The ‘transaction amount’ is the international ATM and POS payment instruction that we receive in Canadian Dollars and pay from your account to settle the transaction. The ‘transaction amount’ is converted to Canadian Dollars by third party participants in the electronic network used to process the transaction at rates that are not set by us. Third party fees or commissions may also be included in the transaction amount.

Check out our service fees and see our Business Banking Guide for more information

Business Savings Trust
A business savings trust account to hold funds on behalf of a designated beneficiary.

† Read terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

1. Deposits include in-branch deposits, pre-authorized credits, Coast Capital Savings® business depository ATM deposits, regular ATM deposits and electronic deposits.

Check out our service fees and see our Business Banking Guide for more information


Additional services available with any business account

Deposit at thousands of ATMs

Canadian coin, cash, and cheques are instantly credited to your account 24/7 at any of our branches. Envelope deposits can be made at any ATM on THE EXCHANGE® Network.

Business Overdraft Protection

Cover off your businesses' chequing account between deposits with overdraft protection. You'll only get charged interest if you use it.

Coast Online® Banking for Small Business

Pay bills, make transfers or check and manage accounts anytime, anywhere. You can view both personal and business accounts in the same log in and more helpful features. 

Mobile Alerts

Ensure all your deposits, bill payments and cheques go through by setting yourself up with Coast Mobile Banking alerts via text or email

Deposit On-the-go

Use your Coast Mobile® App to make deposits by simply snapping a photo of a cheque.

INTERAC® e-Transfer

Send or receive money to and from other financial institutions within Canada. All you need to send money is the recipient's mobile phone number or email address.

Like what you see? Here's more.

All about small business accounts.
It's important to separate your business and personal finances. Here are several reasons why, plus some tips for opening your small business account.
How to manage your business's cash flow
Nicole from our Payments & Cash Management team digs into all things cash management, plus tools & tips for staying on top of your business's cash flow.
What's your plan to grow your business?
As a business grows, it will experience new and unique needs, challenges and responsibilities. We break down how to grow your business as you scale up.

Contact our Business Banking Team at 1.888.517.7000 Mon-Fri, 8am-5:30pm PT.

CDIC Deposit ProtectionCDIC Deposit Protection

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). More CDIC information

Only deposits payable in Canada are eligible to be insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act.